Revenge story in Edo era 2017/10/21
Last night I went to National Theater to watch Kabuki play.
The story was written in around 300 years ago by a popular writer, Tsuruya Nanboku based on the real revenge happened in Kameyama clan feud which was located in mid Japan.
Two samurais fought for the position of an instructor for swordsmen. After the fight, the loser despicably assaulted the winner and killed him. Two brothers tried to revenge killers but they were also killed by a dirty coward trick.
Two younger little boys were left and they made their revenge after 29 years’ difficult pursuit.
Revenge was officially permitted in Edo era. When they make their revenge, they were welcomed and applauded by a whole world. However there were some who were practically forced to do so and lived a crucial life under a heavy duty.
Chushinngura(revenge by 47 loyal samurais), one of the most popular play among numberless Kabuki plays is also based on the another real revenge happened in the same time.
Japanese tend to applaud the fulfillment of revenge by loyal samurais after many years’ hard and troublesome efforts.
However the hero of the Kameyama feud revenge play was the dirty killer instead of the man who made his revenge. Audiences chaired satisfactory to the killer who made defiant poses after several atrocities.
Kabuki play is opened by the sign of traditional wooden clappers and often closed with a quiet but dignified sound of Japanese flute.